The Facts Of Wood

Imagine not having the wood to make tables, chairs, doors, benches, frames, cabinets, draws, beds, play houses, wood chippings, worktops, shelving, guitars, piano's, batons, floors, roofing, telegraph poles, pelmets and coat racks. This list may seem long but it only touches the surface when you look around. There are lots more items we use that are made from wood, too numerous to mention here. What is to be looked at is we use in our everyday lives and is it taken for granted sometimes?

Coat Rack Tree

Why do we need trees and their wood? Here are a few facts about it that you may not know about. Did you know wood is used for sleepers on railway lines because it helps towards dampening noise? Did you know cedar is used for making pencils? Did you know that telegraph poles are made of wood because of its aesthetic appearance, functional efficiency and long life (did you know some poles have been up for over one hundred years)? Did you know that bark on different trees protects them for different reasons? The white Birch for example has white bark to protect it from over heating from the sun and ultimately death, this is done by the white of the bark reflecting the suns rays. The bark of the eucalyptus is very oily, so if there is a fire the oil burns rather than the tree itself? Did you know wood is recycled to make wood chippings, used for making paths in woodland areas and also for keeping weeds down?

Coat Rack Tree

We will never be without wood, we can't be, trees are our life source. They take Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere and produce Oxygen and they also prevent flooding by holding onto soil. We can see why we are getting good at managing sustainable forests for future use in manufacture. We have to be, otherwise, the tree population will diminish, therefore there will not be enough Oxygen produced. Less Oxygen, more pollution doesn't bode well for society. But don't get too worried, we plant six trees to every one tree felled at this present time which means less impact on the environment and so we can enjoy everything made from wood knowing it is being replaced fully.

The Facts Of Wood
Coat Rack Tree

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